Update for Max

Update for Max

Dear wonderful sponsors,

Max here, putting “pen to paw” to write my own update this month. I am happy to share this month what has been happening with me, as well as a bit more about my special correspondent.

The fall season is here and this season includes my correspondent’s favorite holiday: Halloween! Kim loves the colors, traditions, and folklore that surround this holiday. She also loves the costumes. “After all,” she says, “You can be anything you want to be, just for one day.” In Kim’s opinion, no other holiday encourages that same spirit of imagination.

At times Kim will find some special festive blankets sporting those fall colors she loves, fresh from the laundry room of Tabby’s Place. Thinking I will like them toasty-warm from the dryer (she is correct!), she brings them to me, and expects me to sit on them for a photo shoot.

My mood dictates whether or not I will be a good model for photos that day! With me, patience is a virtue. I can eventually be charmed into cooperation with lavish praise of my handsomeness, gentlemanly manners, and all-around admirable kitty qualities. As my sponsors, you are already aware of these things. But it sure is nice to be reminded. Praise makes me feel wonderful. I give in and allow Kim to take a few photos. You see how it works.

Fortunately, I have been feeling as good as I look this month. Though I lost a little weight, I do gain it back. It seems like it is a normal pattern for me in my senior prime now–lose a little, gain a little. However, the watchful eyes of Tabby’s Place are monitoring that weight fluctuation closely. The staff wants to stay in front of any issues, so my weight is checked regularly. If needed, tests will be done to make sure I stay healthy.

I am happy to share the news that a long-time sponsor was able to visit with me this past month. The sponsor has lived in such far-away states as Texas and Hawaii, so she has always been too far to visit. A recent relocation to Virginia brought her close enough to make the dream of mine to see her a reality! She spent an afternoon admiring my handsomeness, and offering tender-loving praises.

She went to visit other cats, too, and fell in love with a cat named Jingles, who was available for adoption. Guess what? She took Jingles home with her! As I watched them leave from the big picture windows of the Community Room, I look forward to her next promised visit to Tabby’s Place and her updates about life with Jingles.

I hope that someday soon, on a nice fall day with beautiful foliage, you will be tempted to take a drive here to visit me. If it’s a weekend around Halloween I may have to point out my sweet correspondent because I never know which costume Kim may be wearing! Her personality and mine fit together nicely and that just makes us love each other dearly.

I remain eternally grateful for your continued gifts that enable the wonderful care I receive here at Tabby’s Place. We both thank you for loving me and staying connected with us!