Update for Max

Update for Max


This month I am happy to bring you my update directly and give you the scoop from my perspective.

My correspondent Kim has always liked the saying “old friends are the best friends.” In the case of Kim and me, that is true! After all, she has been my correspondent for five years and we know each other well. I miss her when she is not able to get in to visit frequently. Kim misses me, too, but knows I am in the very best of hands! She takes much comfort in the good company I keep with staff and other volunteers.

I am happy to report that my health has remained status quo. We here at Tabby’s Place consider status quo a good thing as it means less pills and less tests! Many people who see me regularly have commented on my thinner physique. Kim prefers one of her favorite words to describe it: svelte, which means slender and elegant. That description fits me to a T, if I do say so myself!

Life in the Community Room has been busy lately. The morning staff meetings bring news of new cats, medical updates, and movement of cats among the suites. Sometimes personalities clash and one or another of us needs to move to a different suite so that we can balance our diverse personalities.

With my long, lean and strong body, the conference room is the perfect sprawling spot for my participation in the meeting. It is there that I can garner much petting and attention and ensure that all relevant topics I’m interested in are covered!

New furry buddies in the Community Room have presented some excitement this month. Although quite elderly, Lobby resident Walter has made it his mission to bolt into the Community Room and stir up shenanigans. No one ever gets seriously hurt but Walter does like to smack around some of my room mates.

I had been receiving praise for my ability to largely ignore upheavals caused by the newbies, but old habits die hard so occasionally I will slip and get into the mix.

I was reported to be growling and admittedly attacked my own tail a couple of times. I can see the staff keeping an eye on me. I will try a bit more to keep my agitation under control. This should be easier now, since the new cats seem to be settling in well.

If the change in season makes you want to jump in the car and take a scenic ride, why not make Tabby’s Place your destination and visit with me? I look forward to visits from my beloved sponsors. A ride through rural Hunterdon County will provide you with a bonus of beautiful fall foliage. I am blessed to be able to see the changing colors of the trees from the big picture windows at Tabby’s Place.

Thank you for your continued love and support. Kim is right: “old friends are the BEST friends,” because they become more like family. I thank you for your generous sponsorship and being a part of my special family.
