Update for Max

Update for Max

Hello Sponsors,

As you know, Kim often allows me to put pen to paw to write my own update to you. Wow, do I have news to share!

After many years of residing in Adoption Room 2, my suitemates and I have been relocated to the Community Room at Tabby’s Place. The wide-open space of the Community Room offers a larger area for cats who previously resided in the smaller adoption rooms. This area also offers great windows for feline sunning and bird-watching. We will join other cats, as well as humans, in the Community Room, as some staff offices are located in that room. We will have more feline as well as human companionship.

The smaller adoption rooms will now be used as offices for three staff members. Each office will also, of course, house cats. The move was a win for all concerned; the cats are already thriving from all of the added attention.

This is the biggest change that I have experienced in many years. When moving cats from one room to another, Tabby’s Place gradually introduces them to their new neighbors and environments. We receive all the time we need to adjust to our new surroundings and roommates. Given my previous history of not always being so gracious to new neighbors, we are moving very slowly to give me the additional time I need to make this adjustment.

My correspondent Kim has come to visit me several times over the past few weeks. She was pleased to see me next to my beloved friend Sammy. We had nice conversations about how good this move is going to be for me, once I settle in. The window sills look so inviting, as you will remember how much I enjoyed my perch overlooking the lobby. Kim thinks I will truly enjoy the bird-watching that awaits me.

On the health front, I have been getting medication for a urinary tract infection. I am on the mend, and I’m thankful our diligent vet team caught this quickly.

Thank you for your love and generosity to me each month. I know you are cheering me on as I adjust to my new digs. I look forward to enjoying my new outdoor view. If you are in the area, stop by and visit me. Soon, you may see me sitting on the sunny windowsill as you pull in, waiting for your arrival!