Update for Max

Update for Max

Hello, friends of Max,

This month finds our fellow still dealing with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Our vet team initially prescribed a course of antibiotics. But, this particular infection seems to be a stubborn one, so Max is now on a second medication.

Those of us who visit Max regularly have noted that he seems to be a little agitated lately. He has also lost a few more ounces, which places his weight at just under ten pounds. This weight loss could be due to his UTI. A simple infection can make any cat uncomfortable. I told our Max that with any illness, there are good days and bad days. We are all rooting for him to feel better soon.

Max still enjoys the views from the windows of the Community Room, and he’s most often found cuddled with his best friend Sammy. Although he’s grown quieter with age, Max still attends the morning staff and volunteer meetings, offering a flap of his tail in response to questions asked or heads nodded in his direction. His fan club of staff and volunteers remains encouraging throughout all his trials and tribulations. We all understand that Max is getting older now. At the ripe old age of sixteen, he can take a little longer to get over medical issues these days. But if spirit is a predictor of longevity, our Max will be with the Tabby’s Place family for a long time to come.

I would like to say a special thank you, on behalf of Max and Tabby’s Place, for your continued support and loyalty to this special cat. He has many people who truly care about him, and we are so grateful that you are among them. I hope that, by next month, Max will feel well enough to put pen to paw, write his own update, and tell you about everything himself!

Until then, I offer my sincere gratitude to you for loving Max.