Update for Max

Update for Max

Happy July, Max supporters!

When last we left Max, I had joyfully reported that Max had been weaned off of his medication completely. Well, things have taken an interesting turn, to say the least. To help me explain what is going on, I have enlisted the help of my good friend, the legendary sportscaster Fee Line, who is standing by rings…um…in Adoption Room #2. Fee?

Fee: That’s right, Jenifer. I’m here in Adoption Room #2, and the tension is palpable. It is the highly anticipated rematch between Max and his arch nemesis, Trey. While things have always been tense between these two, tensions have really come to a head now that Max is off of his meds. Quite possibly, Jen, the Max-Trey rivalry has become so rich that it will soon surpass the Yankees-Red Sox and the Michigan-Ohio State rivalries as the premier rivalry in sports.

Max has been training hard for this fight. We’ve seen him pacing around Adoption Room #2 and strengthening his legs by hopping on and off of the top of his nighttime crate. He has also found some formidable sparring partners – some string. We’ll soon see if Max’s training will be enough to conquer his dastardly foe, Trey. Speaking of Trey, we’re not sure what he’s done in terms of preparation for this bout, as he closed all of his training sessions to the press.

It looks like they are about ready to go, so I’ll throw it to the ringside announcer.

Ringside Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event, scheduled for one fall. In the blue corner, weighing in at 15 pounds*, wearing the white, tan, and brown trunks, it’s Mad Max!!! And in the red corner, weighing in at 18 pounds, wearing the tan and brown trunks, it’s Tanker Trey!!! Our referee for this evening is Adoption Room #2’s very own Cypress . LET’S GET READY TO RRUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!!!

* I actually do not know either cat’s real weight. I just know that they are both really big boys.

Okay folks, things are not quite that bad, but a lot of what my “friend Fee” said – namely the string-eating and the fights with Trey – are, unfortunately, true. So the veterinary staff decided the best thing for Max was to put him back on Prozac. The most important thing for Max is that he is happy, not that he is unmedicated. In the future, the staff hopes that he will be able to live medicine-free, but that time is not now.

As always, I am truly grateful for your generosity as well as your patience. Because of your generosity, Max is able to get the care he needs to live a happier life. Thank you for everything that you do on behalf of Max. I hope that you continue to enjoy a safe and happy summer. I also hope to share better news with you next month.