Update for Max

Update for Max

Dearest Max Supporters,

As the air becomes chilled, as leaves turn from red to orange to brown, as my beloved New York Yankees vie for championship number 28, it can only mean one thing: Fall has arrived. With fall comes my favorite holiday – Halloween.

As a kid, I loved to dress up and go trick-or-treating. I loved going through the neighborhood with my friends, and I especially loved trying to figure out a more original costume than the previous year. One other thing I liked to do around Halloween was create my own scary sound effects tape. I used to slam doors, cackle like a witch and try to recreate a howling wind sound. Usually these were horrible, especially since you could buy professionally done sound tapes for $1.99.

If I was looking to make a tape this year, however, I would have lots of help from Max. See, there are only two things in this world that create a gut-wrenching, visceral reaction: paying taxes and going to the dentist. Since cats are fortunate enough to not pay taxes, there is nothing worse for them than a dental cleaning and exam.

That’s right; Max had to go for a cleaning. Fortunately for animals, they are put under anesthesia for their cleaning. The challenge then becomes getting the animal under anesthesia. According to my spies, Max was none too pleased to be put under. In fact, he had to be held down by several staff members, and his cries of protest have been reported to be heard as far away as Barrow, Alaska. Luckily, once he was sedated, his cleaning was uneventful. He has a clean bill of dental health, much to the joy of Max…and the staff.

Not only did Max receive a good report on his teeth, but his behavior has been improving. He enjoys my visits again, albeit for a shorter time, as do I.

As always, I am truly grateful for your generosity. I thank you for everything that you have done in support of the Max-man. Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN – with no tricks!