Update for Max

Update for Max

Hello, friends of Max!

I am happy to report that Max is doing well. Adjustments were made to his medication, as it is better for his long-term health if we can avoid the use of steroids. However, this medication was helpful to Max with his weight issue; its use allowed him to maintain weight rather than deal with fluctuations. Our veterinary staff, in its great wisdom, felt it wise to now try removing this medication from his regular protocol. Though Max did lose a bit of weight, overall he seems good and (of course) will be closely monitored.

Max’s “bachelor pad,” or private suite, has become a haven for many volunteers who visit Max on a regular basis. Max has grown much more affectionate in his elder years, and it is difficult for staff to walk by his pad without stopping in to say hi. When we volunteers go to visit him, his head pops up, and he sometimes will sway a bit in a side-to-side fashion to see who is coming to see him this time!

Max is grateful for any visit, but truly enjoys time spent in “real conversation.” He is almost a “Dear Abby” of cats, and as you talk with him, his head nods, eyes sparkle and (surely imagined, but perhaps not) cat-smiles bring comfort to those who have confided in Max a problem or challenge with which they are dealing. Max not only takes pleasure in these long visits but gives comfort to those who could use a few moments of peace and solitude.

It has been a busy summer for me on a personal basis, providing hands-on care for a family member who suffered a terrible fall in June, as well as enduring a hectic work schedule. I found spending time with Max seemed to put everything back into proper perspective. It was almost as if the “anchor” was put back into position; stresses of keeping the pace seemed to roll off my shoulders for a short time.

It came to me during one of those visits: we are Max’s “anchor.”

In a special conversation, I said to him: “We are your anchor, aren’t we, Max? The weight of that anchor is rock-solid; it will never change. Your Tabby’s Place family is your anchor, providing peace in every storm. We give you comfort, not just today, but every day to come. Through the challenges of your medical issues to the joys of your recovery, we are there for you. Now and always.”

“You know this, Max, don’t you?” I asked.

Max nodded. He really did!

Thank you, dearest sponsors, for your most gracious gifts that help to provide his comfort and peace. Max is blessed to be loved by so many, and adores each of us in return. We remain truly grateful for your part in his contentment.