Update for Max

Update for Max

Dearest Max Supporters,

The end of August – beginning of September is probably the busiest time of the year for people, save the time right before Christmas. If you’re like the average person, you were probably so busy getting your children ready to go back to school that you failed to notice the BIG thing. Perhaps you were too busy trying to squeeze the last moments at the pool or beach to even notice this phenomenon. Maybe this phenomenon did not reach your area, as I do not know your location in proximity to Ringoes. I know that life frequently gets in the way of observing things that are out of the ordinary, but this one is BIG – too big to miss…

The pigs were flying, and I know why!

Max and Trey were actually…dare I say it…friendly. Now, I know what you’re saying. “Jenifer, come on now. Surely you can’t mean our Max and that Trey!” To which I will agree with you, but I saw it with my own eyes. As unbelievable as it is, it is true. Let me set the stage for you:

I went in to see Max last week, and he was lying on a cat bed on the settee. Trey was walking around, hopping onto the table in an attempt to get my attention. I did my best to ignore Trey, as any attention I give him upsets Max. As I began to pet Max, Trey hopped up onto the settee and curled on the opposite end. Max blissfully ignored Trey, relishing in my attention. He purred quietly and head butted my hand.

As you know from reading past updates, this is a major deal. In recent months Max could not even be within three feet of Trey without a Battle Royale. Now that he is back on Prozac, however, the fact that he was sharing a settee with Trey was no big deal for him.

But that’s not all!

After a few minutes, Jonathan stuck his head in to see how things were going. With this distraction, Max got up and walked over next to Trey. I was very apprehensive, but Max looked at Trey and did not react. There was no warning meows, no hissing and no swatting — from either of them. Then, to my ultimate surprise, Max laid down next to Trey. Not wanting to ruin a good thing, I quickly left.

Again, I know you find this to be unbelievable, and without photographic proof, I understand your skepticism. This tale seems to be akin to saying that I caught you a delicious 50’ bass, dined with Bigfoot or saw the Loch Ness Monster, but I guarantee you that it is true. Unfortunately, my camera and cell phone were not around to back me up, so my word will have to suffice.

It is because of your generosity that this moment was possible. I truly thank you for your love of the Max-man. I look forward to sharing more pig-flight-inducing moments with you. Have a great month, and I hope you are not too busy to miss the flying pigs.