Update for Max

Update for Max

Hello, fans of Max!

I am pleased to report that our fine fellow Max continues to do very well. His spirits are great, and he is very receptive to visitors. The nice springtime weather has brought more people out to visit, and Max is able to see this activity from his sunny window sills. He perches on them, or on the nearby cat-tree, and watches the staff, volunteers and visitors come and go. When he tires of this, we find him napping in one of his favorite siesta spots. However, Max is never too tired to receive a guest that stops by to visit. His personality remains happy and outgoing. Those of us who know him well relay to each other his reactions to our visits; the feedback is always positive.

Max’s positive response to our veterinary staff’s care has enabled them to reduce his steroid medications. His weight is “holding” at a steady 12 pounds (!!), and that in itself is wonderful news. However, a recent checkup did find a lump along Max’s spine. Further tests indicated that it was just a harmless fatty lump, known medically as a lipoma. Of course, it will be closely monitored, but we all breathed a sigh of relief when told that it was not a cause for concern.

I have never taken the liberty of a personal note in Max’s updates. However, after many years of being Max’s “cat correspondent,” I would like to share for a moment my feelings of utmost appreciation for all of the wonderful care that Max has received at Tabby’s Place.

When not busy writing Max’s monthly updates, I am personally very involved in the animal rescue world. I have been to most other New Jersey facilities and am familiar with what other surrounding states offer as well. No other facility offers the level of care, compassion, and respect for the human-animal bond that is offered at Tabby’s Place. We do not see many other organizations offer the wonderful sponsorship program that is offered by Tabby’s Place for the support of its medically-challenged animals. Most other facilities do not have the opportunity to make a long-term commitment to the ongoing care of a specific cat or dog. Many of these organizations simply do not have the funding, manpower or volunteer dedication available to support such a program.

As Max continues to thrive while supported by your most generous contributions to his care, I remain awed by his spirit, will to live, and determination to be the best cat he can be. I can only attribute his success to all of us, his Tabby’s Place “family” and biggest fan club.

I am honored to be a volunteer at Tabby’s Place and a part of Max’s recovery. May I remain his “cat correspondent” and biggest cheerleader for many years to come.