Update for Max

Update for Max

Hello, wonderful sponsors!

Max here, feeling fine enough to again this month to write my own update. I remain grateful to my correspondent, Kim, for allowing me the chance to do so.

The real reason she wanted me to write my own update? It all boils down to one word that was used by the Tabby’s Place veterinary staff to describe my progress this month: “AWESOME!” Kim felt that in my “awesomeness,” I should share that news myself. I do feel awesome in the remarkable medical progress I’ve made over the past few months since my surgery. Let me tell you about it.

The removal of my tail was a last-resort option that no one wanted to see happen. However, as you know from previous updates, that tail was a source of constant annoyance to me. Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome, or FHS, causes bouts of excessive overgrooming with a focus on the tail area. It can also cause hallucinations and other emotional responses that are atypical in nature. Medications were prescribed to help with this unusual condition, but my repeated attacks on my own tail caused significant injuries that led our veterinary staff to make the difficult decision to remove it. They didn’t know this but I was SO glad to see it go!

Today, I am a much calmer fellow, as the medications used to assist me through the recovery process have worked extremely well. I am closely monitored and medications used to help balance me emotionally are adjusted based on my perceived comfort level. I do feel comfortable again, as I perch on the sunny windowsills or the cat tree in my suite and watch everyone come and go. It is fun to sit and enjoy the activity again; my correspondent Kim waved to me as she was coming in the back door for her last visit, and other volunteers often do the same. My favorite volunteers have been able to visit again more frequently, and I am tickled to see them all.

During my most recent check-ups, I have been friendly and easy to handle by our veterinary staff. Weight is an important measure of progress, so each time they weigh me. I am happy to report that I have gained weight and kept it on during this time of recovery; at one time, I was down to 7 pounds! Today, I am at a healthy 11 pounds, and everyone is proud of me. Food tastes good again; I enjoy my meals and fresh-water fountain, too. I was on a steroid to help me to gain weight; this drug will be minimized when it is safe to do so. Minimizing this steroid will help to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections; you will remember that I deal with these infections often, too.

Whew! That was a lot of explaining, right? I wanted to give you a better understanding of my recovery process. Though this explanation is brief compared to my daily care requirements, rest assured that things are going well. I remain eternally grateful for your kind donations that make this extensive care possible. Your help is truly appreciated.

I thank you for all of the emails, good thoughts and prayers that have been received on my behalf. When it is time to sleep here at Tabby’s Place, I rest my head knowing I am truly loved by you and by my Tabby’s Place family.

There is no greater blessing in life.
