Update for Macaroon

Update for Macaroon

Happy September, Macaroon mavens!

Welcome to the big, bodacious world of Macaroon. I’m Angela, Tabby’s Place’s Development Director, and I’ll be introducing you to Big Mac this month before handing things off to her regular correspondent, Susan, in October.

In typical Mac fashion, Macaroon has already made a big splash this September. From an all-time high of 24 pounds, Mac is down to a svelte slightly less epic 21-and-change. To Macaroon’s relief, this does not in any way diminish the number of people who comment, awestruck, on her glorious physique. Rarely does a week go by when Macaroon doesn’t stop some visitor in his tracks, gasping, Oh my goodness, she’s huge!

Mac takes it all as a compliment.

As far as Macaroon is concerned, the whole world is one big compliment. She takes self-confidence to levels unseen even among cats.

I’m not exaggerating. In nearly a decade at Tabby’s Place, I have never met a cat who matches Macaroon’s strut…nor her ego. Every inch of her epic self walks with pride and exuberance.

Unless, of course, Mac sees you coming her way. Then she doesn’t walk; she runs, wobbling all Jell-O-like on her way to love you aggressively. Whether or not you know her, whether or not you even like cats at all, Macaroon will love you, with all her strength, for as long as you’ll let her.

Perhaps the only thing larger than Macaroon’s belly is her love…and that will never, ever go on a diet.

Mac’s massive love has yet to lasso an adopter’s heart, but Macaroon knows nothing of despair. Each day brings fresh exuberance and a bottomless pit of adoration for all who arrive.

We could all take a few lessons from Macaroon!

Dear sponsors, thank you for filling our big girl’s life with big love. Whether her wait for a forever home is weeks or years, it will overflow with joy and good health, thanks to you. Have a delightful month.