Update for Macaroon

Update for Macaroon

Dearest Sponsors of our delicious Macaroon,


What comes to mind this month? The holidays, of course! A time of coming together with our families, sharing our love and joy, and gifts.

Our Macaroon knows all about this time of year. Although she once celebrated the holidays in a wonderful home of her own, she is still fortunate to have a loving, caring family. Her Tabby’s Place family has enough love for a HUNDRED cats. Macaroon is the recipient of this love and she returns it one hundredfold. She is always happy to see “her people”, chirping in greeting and bumping against their legs, asking for pets.

As for joy, Mac is a joyful cat most of the time – not always happy to share Suite C with all the other cats, but joyful with people. And she brings joy to all of us who know and love her, just by being Macaroon.

That brings us to gifts. As you know, Macaroon is already a gift to Tabby’s Place. We all adore her – she makes us smile every day when we see her. But, the greatest gift I could wish for, and I’m sure I speak for all of us here at Tabby’s Place, is that Ms. M finds her forever home, preferably as a beloved only cat who can live out her days in comfort, bringing happiness to a family that cherishes her as much as we do.

Thanks you for all your support of divine Ms. M and enjoy the happiest of holidays.