Update for June

Update for June

Greetings, sponsors! Welcome to June’s Journal, in June’s own words…

Entry #1

Well, here I am at Tabby’s Place, the cat sanctuary in Ringoes, NJ. Guess what; the word on the street was always that this is the place to be. Of course, I was too busy running the streets and having babies to even think about Tabby’s Place. But one day, I had a very bad accident and got hit by a car. A nice lady picked me up and took me inside a school to the principal’s office. From there, since I was not a student, somehow I ended up at Tabby’s Place.

There are lots of nice ladies and some nice men here who take care of me and give me food and medicine. One day, a nice lady came to visit me, and she said she would help me write my journal each month for you to read. She sat on the floor with me, and I played with the wand toy for a bit.

But I do have a job to do at Tabby’s Place. On some days, my duty is to guard the perimeter of the Community Room. On other days, my job is to protect the cat tree.

I do have to share my room with some of the other cats, so I want to be sure they do their parts as well. Some of the boy kitties are kind of toughies, or they think they are. I just ignore them and find a good place to curl up for my usual nap times…

One day, I heard a lot of noise, and many things were moved about. Someone decided to redecorate my room. It is awesome now, with lots of room to play and to roam. Sometimes I do one or the other or both, and sometimes I just want to rest, as I am paralyzed and am not able to use my back legs.

But that does not stop me. Right now, I am learning to trust humans, since I was a little feral street girl at one time. The wonderful angels at Tabby’s Place who care for me told me I might be able to be adopted one day, if I mellow a bit and meet just the right person who can care for a Special Needs girl like me…

So, I spent one whole Friday meowing to my scribe, who is taking down good notes to pass on to you. I am a happy and healthy little girl, and I love being here at Tabby’s Place. Lots of people come into my room and visit, and with each day i am getting a bit less fearful.

I am over my recent bladder infection, but someone still has to help me with my bathroom-going. I don’t mind a bit, though, as I am warm in winter, cool in summer, and always have a full belly.

Thank you for being my sponsor. I am sending you meows and kitty kisses over the miles. Tune in next month for Entry #2 of June’s Journal…

