Update for June

Update for June

June’s Journal #5

Good a.m., sponsors and cat lovers. And Happy Halloween. I know it is a fun time for humans, big and little, but Halloween is not a good time for kitties, especially black ones, to be out and about. So I am happy to be safe and sound at Tabby’s Place.

I have been spending time training for the New York City marathon. You see, I am wise to the sanctuary staff coming into my room several times a day to express my bladder and bowels. So I have been giving them a run for their money and making speed around the community room…ha ha, I am driving them in circles. They eventually catch me and do my daily toilettes, but not without some sweat and panting on their parts.

Scribe came to visit me and she found me in a hooded cat bed that looks just like me. I am honored that the staff at Tabby’s Place got me a bed in my likeness…all black with beautiful yellow eyes and pink ears. I like curling up all the way to the back with just my legs out.

While scribe was getting ready to do my massage, Pixie came over and made nice on her hands and the diary she keeps for me. I think Pixie smelled turkey from her lunch sandwich. Then Pixie rearranged the paper under one of the litter boxes and made a nest for herself. I am amazed at what she can do as she is just like me, paralyzed. We special needs ladies can do more than you think.

So scribe tried to give me my back and head massage. Only I was not having it today. I think she mentioned something about P M S…don’t know what that is, but I was definitely in a snit. I gave her a high five with claws out, and she got the message. Instead of a back and head massage, I got my toes and foot pads done. I didn’t feel a thing, but scribe got to pet me a bit that way and talk to me and tell me all about her month.

Healthwise, I am really good. I have been eating and drinking and loving life here at the sanctuary. No medical issues, no infections or problems with my paralyzed parts. That is great news for me.

So enjoy your month, dear sponsors, and have a Happy Halloween. Thank you for all you do for me!

Purrs and hisses,