Update for June

Update for June

Happy June, dear sponsors,

Well, this is my month, my whole month, named especially for me!  But I am sad as the pandemic is still keeping most of the volunteers away.  And I have not seen Scribe since the lockdown started months ago.  I am missing so many “hoomans!” But I know it will be soon that things can get back to normal here at Tabby’s Place.

Normal for me is my usual series of toilettes helped by the staff.  It also means I can still do my hugs with Miss Lisa who likes to hold me tight, too.  And I am still enjoying excellent health despite my paralysis.  That is what makes me a special needs kitty.

So I am still having my regular monthly exams for heart, lungs, teeth, and ears.  I might be coming up soon for my yearly blood draws and vaccines.  But the staff is on top of that and will make sure Dr. Collins and Denise see me when it is time.

I have a new place to lounge the day away. I have this new favorite bed which is large and cushy and is tucked away in a corner.  It is black and is great for camouflage.  Sometimes I can go for hours without anyone finding me…ha-ha.  But I still love the large plush bed and burrowing under the blankies!.  And I am still getting lots of good chin rubs.  Though I do miss my backrubs from everyone.

I am hoping that once we go back to having visitors,  folks will come and see me and love on me. For now, I am happy and healthy at Tabby’s Place and enjoying all my beds and loves and hugs from the staff.

So, until next month, everyone out there please be safe and well.  And thank you, dear sponsors, for helping me to live a wonderful life here at the sanctuary.

Love and kitty kisses to all,
(With help from your correspondent, Mary Anne)