Update for Cotton

Update for Cotton

Greetings Cotton Sponsors,

I hope this update finds you and your family, safe, happy, and healthy.  In these current times, the best parts of our lives are the things we can truly count on. For Cotton, that is you! You so generously give to him from the bottom of your heart, and we are all truly grateful for that. Thank you!

Life is surely different at Tabby’s Place lately. Fortunately, all of the kitties are being well taken care of and they are content. They do miss the humdrum of activity that they have gotten quite accustomed to, but one day (hopefully soon!) that will return. While the doors are still closed to volunteers and the general public, Tabby’s Place staff has still managed some adoptions. The staff members are superheroes. They leap over tall buildings and do anything and everything to help the kitties. Cotton is even getting to go on stroller outings, and he loves every minute of it.

Cotton is in excellent health. He is no longer having his back legs wrapped. The episodes of bleeding are becoming very infrequent as he builds up calluses on those limb ends. He’s a speedy little guy and will sometimes “race” the staff through the Lobby. He can also be a bit of a bratty teen. He bit our senior vet tech on the back while she was expressing him the other week. He is very wiggly. Some of the staff have taken to “writing” messages when he is expressed. This is the sort of staff humor that keeps them feeling connected during these times of quarantine.

Cotton has also become rather food-obsessed, particularly for treats. He is on a special diet as he is prone to loose stool. He has taken to barricading Jon’s office gate crying for treats.  And when he’s not doing that, he hangs out by the front door looking for some action. Surely someone will come to visit me. No, not today Cotton, but one day soon for sure!

We are forever grateful for all you do for sweet Cotton. Thanks to you, he knows the warmth and kindness of Tabby’s Place as he waits for his special person to take him home.

Stay well. 

Your correspondent,