Update for Cotton

Update for Cotton

Greetings Cotton Friends,

Happy New Year to you! Somehow, we have stumbled on into 2021, although likely much differently than prior new years transitions.

Welcome to Cotton’s House!

One would think that it being the coldest and gloomiest part of the year here in New Jersey, that stroller rides would be put on temporary hiatus. Luckily for our stroller rider kitties like Cotton, they have some of the most fabulous, phenomenal volunteers (ahem, servants) who seek out little glimpses of warmer weather here and there to get his royal highness outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery.

On a recent afternoon, Cotton insisted on getting a second stroller ride, and of course he got his wish! He went out for a stroller ride, and unfortunately, it was cut short because it was his time to be expressed. That is an appointment he cannot miss! Cotton did not take this well; he was mad. He pursued his stroller ride servant until she gave in and succumbed to giving him another ride.

Cotton’s stroller was cozied up with a towel to keep the wind out 

Last month, Cotton was sporting a new lump on the back of his neck. Thankfully, that lump has completely disappeared. Sweet Cotton has fully recovered from his encounter with Anka. Cotton is pretty feisty. He gets very wiggly and squeals during some of his bladder/colon expressions. The little guy just doesn’t like to be slowed down for anything, and he is certainly off to a running start this year!

We are forever grateful for your continued love, support, and generosity for Cotton. You literally make his world possible.  May the new year bring you good health, much happiness, and all the furry snuggles your heart desires!
Your correspondent,