Update for Corey

Update for Corey

I am thrilled to report that Corey continues to do very well.
His coat is growing back beautifully and is extremely soft.
This, of course, makes him extremely “pettable”, which is great, since Corey absolutely adores receiving human attention.
The Lounge is the perfect place for him, since he gets plenty of attention from both employees and volunteers.

Corey’s health continues to be great.
His appetite is good and he has not had any more diarrhea.
We have continued to taper off on his steroids and he is now on a very, very low dose.
We hope to discontinue the steroids completely within the next few weeks.

We are starting to suspect that Corey might have some hearing, as he seems to “notice” within a few minutes that a visitor has entered the room.
On the other hand, it is very hard to tell this kind of thing with cats since they are so good at using their other senses.

In any case, once he knows someone is in th room with him, Corey will start howling for attention.
This is a very loud howl and is impossible to ignore.
But, of course, this is exactly the point, since Corey always ends up getting petted and caressed for several minutes.

Until next month, please continue to think good thoughts for our boy Corey.