Update for Corey

Update for Corey

My name is Holly and I am a voluteer at Tabby’s Place.
I will be acting as your correspondent for Corey.
Corey must be one of the sweetest cats in the world. As Jonathan Rosenberg, the Founder and President of Tabby’s Place puts it, ’it is amazing how a cat with so many problems can be so nice’.

This past month Corey has been greatly improving. The vet has decreased his medication and he is still doing great. Due to his medical condition, Corey still has to frequently use the litter box.
However, he is eating wonderfully and the IBD-friendly diet seems to be helping.

Since Corey is older, he is not very good about keeping himself clean. He received a brand-new haircut earlier this month to get rid of the many mats he had in his fur. It is starting to grow back in, but he still looks like a little lion.

Many of the staff and volunteers at Tabby’s Place believe that Corey’s hearing is improving, because he seems to notice when someone comes into the room. If he is not sure if someone is really there, he will meow loudly and wait for someone to come pet him.

Corey has been doing great and he only continues improving, working his way into the hearts of all of us here at Tabby’s Place. Nothing makes my day more than seeing Corey happy while he is being showered with love.

Thank you all for making Corey’s life so much better. Hopefully he will continue on this path of well-being.