Update for Corey

Update for Corey

My name is Shauna and I am one of Corey’s new friends.
Corey and I met a few months ago when I came to Tabby’s Place for a Volunteer Orientation.
I was immediately “taken” with Corey.
While our group of fifteen stood talking in the Employee Lounge, Corey carefully navigated his way across the room, stopped at my side, and rubbed against my pants leg.
I felt so honored.

A few weeks ago the Operations Manager at Tabby’s Place asked me if I would like to correspond with you regarding Corey’s progress. Again, I was honored and quickly agreed.

This is my first update regarding Corey and I am happy to report that, for the most part, he continues to do well medically and his appetite is still very good.
Recently some employees noticed that there appears to be large amounts of urine in his litter pan each morning.
From his initial bloodwork, we know that Corey’s kidneys are not functioning as well as we would like.
The excessive urine is a typical symptom of worsening kidney function, so we are all worried about him.
The vet will draw blood for analysis and I will report on the results in the next update.
Please keep your fingers crossed for Corey.

As you are probably aware, Corey craves human attention.
Fortunately, because he lives in the Employee Lounge (which is also used by Volunteers), he is subject to frequent visits from people.
And, because he is so sweet, no one can resist giving him some attention.

It is a pleasure to introduce myself to you and I look forward to communicating again with you next month.