Update for Cloud

Update for Cloud

Good News, Sponsors!

After another round of tests, the vets have decided it is safe to go ahead with surgery to remove Cloud’s tumor. They will fix her eyes at the same time. This means she will no longer need the thrice daily eyedrops that she hates to get, and even better, she will be able to see clearly without any discomfort.

Last month, Cloud’s sister, Sky, moved from one of the suites into the lobby to keep Cloud company. At first they didn’t seem to care much about each other, but now they sleep under the same bench and seem to enjoy spending time together.

Also last month, Cloud made a home for herself under the Christmas tree in the lobby. The staff hardly had the heart to take it down after the new year! The photo at left is of Cloud in her little abode, and below is a photo of Cloud entertaining a guest in her home (Sky).

Cloud has this little toy mouse that she loves to play with under the tree. When she bats it too far, she walks over to it, picks it up in her mouth, and carries it back under the Christmas tree to play some more.

Cloud continues to to be a wet-food addict. She is always excited to see the food put out and will run over for her fair share. Quite a show.

Thank you for sponsoring this precious girl!