Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Greetings Cisco supporters,

Happy April to Cisco’s fabulous fans!

On a recent visit, Cisco seemed to be a bit of a curmudgeon. He refused to eat a treat, and just to be sure I knew he didn’t want any, he gave me a smack on the hand.

Message delivered!  We all have our bad days. Otherwise, it’s been a good month for Cisco and his neighbors. Thanks to tender, tenacious work—and judicious use of crates and the time-share room—the social scene has been calm, with no more serious incidents between newbie Knickers, Rufus and company. New neighbor Tennison, still settling into the suite as of this update, seems to be a peace-loving soul. And, Cisco’s longtime friend Wolfie has amazingly found his forever home, meaning a new neighbor will soon be on the way to Suite FIV.

Speaking of Wolfie, he has left a huge void in all that is suite FIV. Rufus is taking his best shot at being the new official greeter, but it seems that he’s more focused on escaping than he should be! Rufus is a sweet boy, and very outgoing. A little rough around the edges at times, but he will make an awesome greeter in time. Rumor has it that Wolfie is settling into his new home very nicely. It couldn’t happen to a nicer boy!

Cisco has enjoyed good health this month. We conducted a blood glucose (BG) curve, in which we retest Cisco’s BG periodically over the course of a day. This enables us to determine how well his diabetes is controlled. Cisco’s curve showed his BGs to be quite stable, and he’s even gained some healthy weight.

Thank you, dear sponsors, for caring for our boy Cisco. We are forever grateful for the love and support you give him, allowing him to live his best possible life.

Have a wonderful month!

Your correspondent,