Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Hello Cisco adorers!

Hope this update finds you having a spectacular summer and embracing the wonderful month of September.

Cisco and his FIV suite buddies have had another month of changes.
Although they were never cuddle buddies, Cisco has surely noted the departure of longtime roommate McNulty. Cisco’s boisterous neighbor lost his long battle with kidney disease last month, leaving Suite FIV a little quieter and a lot sadder.

Cisco then welcomed new roommate Jax…but only momentarily, before Jax was adopted by the animal control officer who first rescued him. And so, Cisco and company will soon be meeting yet another new roommate. I think they are up for the challenge, especially Wolfie. We may make him the official greeter as he is always one of the first to be at the feet of a new visitor. He always has a lot of spunk, even on the hazy, hot and humid lazy days of summer.

It was so nice to see Cisco comfortable in the solarium with his friend Shea alongside, and seeming a little more confident. He was quite happy to take a few treats from me, allowing me to come within less than an inch of his being. This is wonderful to see. If he was truly scared of me, surely he would have run for the hills.

Medically, Cisco is doing quite well. We’ve started him on medication for his chronic vomiting, and it’s working quite well so far.

Fabulous Cisco supporters, thank you for caring for our dear boy, and for your generosity which allows us to give him all that he needs and more. If I may take a moment to tell you about our annual Linda Fund drive. The Linda Fund provides our neediest cats with life-saving care. We promise each Tabby’s Place kitty that we will give him/her everything he/she needs to thrive. Since our cats come from hopeless situations, they often require costly vet care. If you would like to read more about it, please click here

Hope you have a delightful month!