Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Greetings Cisco adorers,

Happy November to you!
Ringoes is alight with the splendid colors of fall. This is a beautiful time of year in New Jersey. When Cisco hangs out in his solarium, he gets a front row seat to all this splendor. Although, on this particular day, Rogue was the only one enjoying the view in the solarium. She greeted me with gusto and acted like she’d never had any attention before; talking to me, giving me head butts and rubbing against my legs. Since it was a windy day, Cisco was tucked away in an indoor cubby feeling snug as a bug in a rug.

Cisco and I took a huge leap forward this month! He let me pet him. Yes, it’s true! I gave him a few treats, and pet him on the head and back. And he seemed okay with it. No glaring eyes, no backing away. Nothing. It is wonderful that he is starting to trust us and accept our love.

In other FIV suite news, Cisco has two new suitemates. Stafford, pictured below, was snuggled up with Cisco in his cubby until he became very interested in finding out if I had a treat for him too. He is a very sweet boy and seems to be fitting in quite nicely. Oscar has also recently joined the FIV suite and he seems to be a little timid yet.

On the medical front, there is good news and not so good news.
First, the good news: Cisco does not have ringworm. After poor Wolfie turned up positive for the frustrating fungus, we carefully examined all the cats in Suite FIV, inspecting their coats under a blacklight. Although Cisco did have a patch of missing hair, it wasn’t ringworm. Since Cisco has been prone to ringworm in the past, we’ll be monitoring him especially closely.

We’re doing that on other fronts, too. This month, tests revealed that Cisco’s kidney values have worsened, indicating progression of his chronic kidney disease. Fortunately, he is still in the early stages, but this is something we will monitor vigilantly. Cisco also had lower blood glucose levels this month, leading us to decrease his insulin dose.

All of us at Tabby’s Place, and especially Cisco, thank you for your most gracious gift of love and support. Because of you, we will always be able to provide any medical care that he needs, and a loving home with lots of friends visiting him.