Update for Cisco

Update for Cisco

Happy May Cisco supporters!

May this beautiful month bring you vast amounts of sunshine and happiness to your corner of the world.

Cisco’s corner of the world has had quite a shake up this month.
Suite FIV suffered a serious ringworm outbreak, leaving Cisco, Charlie, Chachi, Shea and Rogue with visible lesions. The unfortunate five are undergoing our ringworm protocol, which means a 3-week-plus quarantine, with dips in lime sulfur solution. As an added precaution, we dipped the symptom-free members of Suite FIV once, and thoroughly disinfected the suite.

Visiting Cisco in quarantine is quite interesting. There are very strict guidelines that each visitor must follow to avoid spreading ringworm to other kitties. So, after suiting up with a gown, booties, hair net and gloves, Cisco said a very quick hello by hissing at me. I think I am still unfamiliar enough that he became guarded with me in a confined space. However, a staff member mentioned that Cisco has been snugglier with them in quarantine, so he is certainly feeling safe with those he sees many times a day, which is a fabulous thing! Charlie is right next door to Cisco and was ready to climb into my arms. He is such a friendly, outgoing soul who seems to be taking his quarantine time like a champ. Charlie is going home with one of the staff members very soon. Though he will be missed by all, it is really wonderful that he will have a forever home of his own, with a fabulous and loving family.

Cisco and everyone at Tabby’s Place are forever grateful for your love and support. He is going through a tough time right now, but your devotion to him is helping him to persevere, get better, and bust out of quarantine soon!

Hope you have a beautiful month!