Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

So here we are again, my beloved sponsors…at the beginning of the traditional month of love.

Yes, one could find annoyance with the day of Saint Valentine. However, I’m a fan of anything that gives me the excuse to love on y’all. With my whole heart, I thank you for giving me this lovely life I enjoy here.

In fact, I recently had a visitor who marveled at my apparent ambassadorship for diabetic cats. “Don’t diabetic cats generally not last more than a few months?” she asked. It was the perfect opportunity for our staff to brag about how stable and healthy I’ve been, and how diabetic kitties can live long, happy, healthy lives with the right treatment.

This past month has been sad in our suite, however. Two of our beloved suitemates crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Bo and Hocus will be forever missed.

We’ve had our share of joy as well, though, with the arrival of three new friends: Bunk, Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants, and Socks…and then Socks was adopted right away! Bunk and Mr. GFP (his nickname from his friends) are fitting right into the mix, and I already count them as buds. I am never the dude to clash with any newcomers; life’s too short, and every day is gift, kittens.

Spread some extra love around during Valentine’s month where you can. No particular “significant other” required. Everyone needs love and deserves it in her or his own way.

Peace, love, and purrs…
