Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Dear friends,

How are you all doing? I hope everyone is doing well. I am great, and completely recovered from my stay at the hospital. The treatment they gave me to fix my hyperthyroid worked a little too well. Now my levels are a little low. The Tabby’s Place veterinarian is talking to the specialist who did my treatments to see if I need a supplement, or if I will be okay without it. I take a bunch of medicines every day, so I’m not stressing about it.

I had to go to Tabby’s Place for them to take my blood, so they could check my thyroid levels. I hate, hate, hate going in the car; I always get nervous, then I get sick. For some reason, the car always does this to me. We live quite close to Tabby’s Place, and it only takes us a few minutes to get there, but it’s still too far. As soon as the car started moving, my tummy got very unhappy. So, by the time we got there I was pretty cranky. They took my blood, listened to my heart, and gave me a good check over. Then they cut my claws! By then I was really cranky and I lashed out, and I cut the finger of the Tabby’s Place vet tech. I felt a little bad about that, but I was mad! As soon as it was finally over, momma hugged and kissed me, and I started to feel better. Then I realized I had to go back in the car to get home. Ugh! (When is teleportation going to be a real thing?)

My new little brother, Jude, is pretty cool. He always treats me with respect, and I like him. The best part of Jude being here is having someone to keep Castiel busy. Castiel is still young; he’s in that active, “play too much” stage. I don’t have the energy for that. I want to eat, sleep and enjoy snuggles with momma. So now that Jude is here, he keeps crazy Castiel away from me. Don’t get me wrong — I love my brother Castiel.  I just love him more when he keeps away from me.

Charlie & Jude

Momma says my blood glucose (BG) levels are high at the moment. The vet team increased the amount of insulin I get each day, which should help. I’m eating well, and I feel good, so I’m sure we will get my diabetes under control soon. Bad news is Momma is pricking my ear twice a day at the moment, so she can check my BG levels. I keep telling her I’m fine!

Good news…I have gained 1 pound! Momma says being hyperthyroid was making me lose weight, so now I can gain weight again. I’m doing my part by eating lots.

I can’t wait for spring to be here; momma says it should be soon. Then I will be able to lounge on my screen solarium again and feel the sun on my fur. Can’t wait.

Some more exciting news: my IBD is really under control and my poo…. Wait! (Momma, I am NOT telling my friends my poop is good! I really don’t think they want to know either!) …er, tummy has been very happy lately, so I am allowed to eat new and very tasty foods.  Momma says it’s “diabetic safe,” whatever that means, but all I know is it’s not that cardboard-tasting, boring food I had to eat when….my tummy wasn’t good. It’s a whole new, yummy world!

Thank you for being my friend. With all my medical needs I cost a lot of money, but because of you, I can get whatever I need.  Thanks ever so much—but I’m really worth it. I’m a pretty cool guy, as you can see from the photos. Thank you for recognizing that. 🙂

Your pal,

(with help from your correspondent, Karina)