Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Dear Friends,

It has been quite a crazy month for me, and I’m kinda glad it’s over. First, I had to go to Tabby’s Place to see the vet team. They made me have something called an ultrasound and took something called x-rays. They said they needed to check that my heart was doing well since starting the new medicine.

Good news: my heart is doing well.
Bad news: that meant it was time for me to go into the hospital for a few days.

I had to have something called I131, which is a radioactive iodine treatment. Apparently, doing this will help my hyperthyroid issue forever.

I could tell momma was sad to leave me at the hospital, and I wasn’t too happy either. I ended up being at the hospital for 5 days! And momma wasn’t allowed to visit, because I had to be quarantined, whatever that means. I know it meant I had no visitors. My nurse and doctor were very nice, though. The nurse kept telling me I was a good boy. I am a good boy!

Each day they gave me a dose of the special medicine; then the nice nurse would bring me food. The nice nurse also called my momma every day, and told her I was doing well. The nurse told me every day that momma misses me and can’t wait to see me. I missed my momma, too.

Finally, after 5 long days, the nurse said I could go home, and momma was on her way to pick me up. I was excited to see momma, and she was so happy to see me.

As soon as we got home, momma gave me some food, which I happily ate. Then I climbed up onto my huge bed and took a long nap. I know I hadn’t done much for the last few days, but I was tired anyway, and it felt so wonderful to be home with my own family.

When I woke up, I felt much better. I have been following momma around a lot in the last few days. I never want to be away from my family again, and I can’t stop rubbing and kissing momma. She doesn’t seem to mind, and she hugs and kisses me a lot too.

Momma said the treatment made me all better, and my hyperthyroidism will not be an issue anymore. She also said I should be able to gain some weight back now. I’m willing to eat more, if that will help.

As I write to you, I am lying on my bed, surrounded by family, I am happy and I am loved. It doesn’t get better than that.

Thank you all so much for being my friend. Momma said this was a very expensive treatment, and we couldn’t do it without your help. Thank you all for helping me get better. Life is good.

Your pal,