Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Dear friends,

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!! I have a home! I have a home of my very own! For the first time in my life, I finally have a home, and it’s great!

I have so much to tell you all. What a month it has been! I arrived at my new home and got settled into the bathroom so I could adjust to things slowly. The bathroom is right off my momma’s bedroom, and there was a baby gate on the door so I could see everything, but feel safe. I had a comfortable bed and my own food and water bowls. Within a few minutes of arriving a HUGE dog came up to my gate to say hi. I’ve never seen a dog that big. I’ve since learned her name is Accalia, and she’s what humans call a German Shephard. I gave her a sniff, she didn’t frighten me, I’m pretty big myself, you know.

Next a slightly smaller dog, but still very large, came over to say hi. His name is Deisel and he’s an Anatolian Shepherd. He wiggles his butt a lot, but he seems ok.

Shortly after that 2 cats scooted over to check me out. They don’t know how to walk on their back legs, I have no idea why. Maybe someone should teach them. My momma says they are paraplegic, whatever that means. They have hissed at me a few times, so I smacked them. They really should learn how to walk before they mess with me. I’ve lived with the toughest of the bunch, from McNulty to Rogue, so no cat scares me. The scooting cats are named Tanzy and Castiel, and we are getting along much better now they understand me.

After 2 days in the bathroom I was set free to explore the bedroom, and I quickly found something very cool and exciting. Right off the bedroom is a huge solarium! My momma told me it’s a screened porch, but it looks kinda like a solarium to me. I can see and smell the outside when I am out there, and I have 2 couches out there to lounge on. Really cool!

In my backyard there are things called mini donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, ducks, and these weird things called Guinea hens, which are way too loud, and they always seem confused, running back and forth. All these farm animals belong to my new neighbor, and it’s quite an experience watching them all from my screen solarium. They are such a strange bunch, and they eat grass! Obviously, no one ever gave them cat food, or there’s no way they would eat grass! Maybe they would like some of my cat food? I have plenty.

Wanna know the best thing? A bed! And I don’t mean those small cat beds. My new bed is HUGE! My momma tried to tell me it’s her bed, but who is she kidding!? I absolutely love my new bed, and spend a lot of my days, and nights, relaxing on it. It’s really great because those scooting cats can’t get up there, so it’s all mine! Sometimes one of the dogs gets up there with me, but I don’t mind. There’s plenty of room for us all.

I’m getting used to my new schedule now. I get up and I am served breakfast. Then I wander out to my screen solarium to check out what’s going on. Then it’s nap time on my huge bed. Later on, dinner is served. I usually eat dinner on the screen solarium, so I can check out what the farm animals are doing. Then it’s back to bed for a while so I’m rested for bedtime. And right before bedtime is treat time! I like treat time a lot.

I have wandered around the rest of the house a few times. There are a few cats there also, but these ones can walk on all 4 legs. They seem friendly and didn’t mind me being there. But I prefer being in my bedroom and screen solarium.

I like my new family, and they seem to love me, at least they are always telling me they do. I like nights the best because I can snuggle up next to momma for the night. Life is good. I like having my own home.

Thank you all for helping me so much. Because of you my new family can give me a home, and take care of my medical needs. I hope you continue to follow my journey in my new home. I can’t wait to tell you all about my adventures.

Love and headbumps,

Your pal,