Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Dear friends,

Oh boy, where do I start? So much has happened since I last wrote to you. It all started about 3 weeks ago. Momma took me to Tabby’s Place to see the vet. I had a few accidents outside the litterbox, and momma said they wanted to check me out. They poked me with needles (not fun!) and took some of my blood, and they took some of my pee! My pee! Why did they need blood and pee? Momma says they do lots of tests with those things, but that seems strange to me.

When the results of those tests came back (I wonder where they went, and how they got back), momma told me I was something called hyperthyroid. I have no idea what what that means, but momma said I needed to take medicine to make it better. That’s not so bad, I take medicine everyday to help my diabetes and IBD anyway.

A few days after the new medicine started I started to feel really yucky. I laid on the floor by the water bowl, and didn’t want to eat my dinner. Momma was concerned. She put something called a stethoscope on my chest, then looked very concerned, and said we had to go to the hospital. We went to this huge place momma called an emergency hospital. People took me into a room, and looked at me, did more poking and prodding, then set me up in a cage. After a few minutes momma came back to see me, hugged me, and told me I had to stay at the hospital, because I had something called a heart arrhythmia. I don’t know what that means, but I knew I didn’t feel good. I could tell momma was sad to leave me at the hospital, and I was sad to see her leave.

I ended up staying at the hospital for 5 days. Momma came to visit me, and she would hug me, and tell me she couldn’t wait until I could come home. I really wanted to go home too, but it felt nice to be hugged by momma.

Over the 5 days at the hospital I started to feel better, and I was eventually allowed to go home! It was so wonderful to be back home, lay on my bed, use my own litterbox, and be with my family again. Momma was so happy I was home, and even the scooting cats seemed happy to see me.

Momma told me they think I had a bad reaction to the new medicine for the hyperthyroid. Needless to say, I’m not taking that medicine any longer. Momma says we have to do something to treat my hyperthyroid, because that is not good, and will make me feel yucky. Momma said I have to get my strength back, then I’ll have to go back to the hospital for a few days, to have a radioactive iodine treatment. I have no idea what that means, but apparently it will fix the problem. I am not looking forward to going back to the hospital, but I want to be healthy.
For now I’m home, lazing on my bed, and enjoying my home.

I want to thank you all for supporting me. Because of you, I was able to get the help I needed, and feel better. Momma said it’s very expensive to stay at the hospital for 5 days. I wonder why? I think they should pay me to be there, I’m a delight, and I gave them all headbutts. But they do ask for money, and it is because of my wonderful friends, I could get the help I needed.

The pictures I am sharing with you are from my hospital stay. As you can see, I was not happy with the cone!
That’s all for now. Thank you for being my friend.

Your pal,