Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Dear Friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I had an absolutely wonderful time! I got lots of gifts, which was so much fun. I got a bunch of new toys, and some treats. One of my friends sent me a whole bunch of toys that were even wrapped in pretty paper. Momma had to help me unwrap them though, as I couldn’t work out how to do it. Inside the paper were lots of fun toys. I had to share them with the scooting cats, but I don’t mind, there was plenty for us all.

My absolutely favorite gift was a soft blanket. One of my friends sent it to me, and I love it so much! I sleep on it all the time. Momma put it on the big human bed for me, so now I am really happy. Check out the picture of me relaxing on my blanket. Bliss.

This lump thing started to grow on my face, right above my lip. I could tell momma was worried, but I don’t know why, it didn’t bother me much. She took me to Tabby’s Place to see the vet team. Dr. Collins looked at the lump and told momma she was very worried about it, too. What are they so worried about? It really doesn’t bother me much. Dr. Collins said she wanted to do something called a biopsy.

I didn’t know what that was, but let me tell you, it wasn’t fun! Dr. Collins said she was going to numb the area so it wouldn’t hurt me. Then she stuck a needle in my face! The needle hurt me, so what about numbing me before giving me the numbing shot!? I was so angry at her I tried to bite her. That will teach her. I must admit, once the first ouchy needle was done I didn’t feel anything else. Dr. Collins put the lump in a small jar, not sure why, maybe she wanted to keep it? Momma said it was so it could be sent for biopsy, whatever that means. Momma seemed a little upset, but I’m not sure why, she didn’t have a needle stuck in her face!

A few days later momma got a message on her phone. It was from Dr. Collins, and momma yelled happily “IT’S NOT CANCER!” I assume that’s a good thing, because momma was very happy. The biopsy came back as an eosinophilic lesion, whatever that means. Dr. Collins had said it may grow back, and we can treat with medicine. Momma says that will be a pill, and not another needle to my face. Phew! I’m happy about that, because it is growing back. You can see it in the picture I am sending you. Momma said she is going to speak to Dr. Collins tomorrow to see what we should do next.

Well I think it’s time for my nap now, my soft blanket is calling me.

Thank you all for being my friend. Momma says it’s because of you I am able to get all the medical treatment I need to keep me healthy.
Thank you.
Your pal,