Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Festive holiday greetings, my best friends!

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and boy oh boy do I know how to be jolly! It is my only goal every day, all year round, to spread joy and love to everyone I know — especially you, of course.

My scribe giggled when she visited me this week because I came clambering over to her with such gusto, I almost knocked her over. She petted my head and I rubbed my cheek against her hand with such vigor that she was concerned I might scratch my mouth with my own teeth. I was just so happy for the attention that I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm! We snuggled up together and had a long talk about all the things we’re grateful for this holiday season. Our mutual love and friendship was at the top of the list, of course!

I have been enjoying spending time with all my many friends here as the weather grows chillier. We had our first snowstorm this week here in NJ, and I didn’t even venture out to the solarium for a peek. I could see a bit from our window through the lobby, and oh my it was pretty! It looked like someone threw a fluffy white blanket over everything in sight. Winter is just beautiful for the lucky kitties at Tabby’s Place. We don’t have those human worries about driving conditions or heavy shoveling or any of that nonsense. My biggest December decision will be which warm, fuzzy bed to take my next nap in, thanks to you.

Plus, I am quite happy to say I have no medical news this month. My ears are clean, my blood glucose levels are stable, and I am still feeling super groovy.

I hope you love the two pictures I’m attaching this month. One shows the voracious affection I mentioned earlier, where my scribe was petting me and I was petting her right back! The other is my most regal pose, like one of my giant cat ancestors lounging in the jungle in front of his lair. Ha! Although I’m as harmless and domesticated as I can be, I still like to pretend I’m fierce sometimes just for fun.

All my love to you as you celebrate the holiday season. Enjoy it all, however you celebrate it. Spread joy to the humans and animals in your life. Please know that I am forever grateful for your kindness and generosity in sponsoring me. You are my holiday miracle!

Peace, love, and purrs…