Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Super Happy Spring Greetings to My Sponsors!

Guess what??? Miracles happen, my friends. I have big news to share. BIG! NEWS! Our Director of Volunteers here at Tabby’s Place is taking me home as a forever-foster! Can you even believe it?! I feel like the luckiest kitty on earth! She has loved me from the moment I arrived (as she of course does with every kitty here), and now she’s decided it’s time for me to live with her and her family full time. I’m told that there are lots of other animals there to play with, including other forever-fosters, and I couldn’t be more excited to meet everyone. And I have every confidence in my ability to get the most lap time, no matter who the competition may be! Just the idea of laps 24/7 fills me with such inexplicable joy, my kitty brain cannot even process it all.

Who knew when I arrived here at Tabby’s Place way back in December, 2013 that my time here would end so purrrfectly? I remember the state I was in back then — emaciated (if you can believe that!) and so desperate for love that I hopped into a random Good Samaritan’s car, and he was kind enough to bring me here. I was so very lucky then, and I’m even luckier now.

I also remember that the very moment I arrived here, I was banished to the dreaded ringworm isolation. Ironically and unfortunately, that is also where I’m finishing up my last days here as well. My beloved FIV+ suite suffered a serious ringworm outbreak this month, which resulted in visible lesions on me and my suitemates Chachi, Cisco, Shea and Rogue. We are currently undergoing ringworm protocol, which means a 3-week-plus quarantine, with dips in lime sulfur solution. NOT fun! But Tabby’s Place must take ringworm seriously, and they even dipped my suitemates who had no visible lesions and thoroughly disinfected the entire suite just to be as careful as possible.

Sadly, I’ve also been battling some annoying health issues in addition to this ringworm nonsense. I have another urinary tract infection, and I had a bout of vomiting and diarrhea (likely caused by the antibiotics for the UTI). All of this has improved with additional medication. I did have my dental as planned, and I came through with flying colors.

As soon as I’m cleared from ringworm, I’ll be headed home with my new foster mom Karina! She’ll be helping me write my monthly sponsor updates as of next month, and we’ll be sharing all of my adventures in my new forever-foster home. My current scribe and I will miss each other desperately, but she will visit me and stay in touch. All the staff and volunteers here at Tabby’s Place have been telling me how thrilled they are for me, and how much they’ll miss me. I will of course miss them all too — because they are the best!!

One of the photos I’m including with this update is from the very first Tabby’s Place blog post that mentioned me. The other photo captures my joy as I lounge outside in the perfect weather we’ve been enjoying here in New Jersey. I’m just so profoundly grateful that I ended up here, and that I have you as my sponsors. It’s all because of you that I’ve received top-notch care and endless love here at Tabby’s Place since that fateful day in 2013. And also because of you, I now have the opportunity to live my life in a forever-foster home. Karina and I will share everything about this new chapter, starting with next month’s sponsor update. Until then, I love you with all my furry grey heart!

Peace, love, and purrs,
