Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Hey there, sponsors!

In honor of February, the traditional month of love, I am donning my red woolen skullcap as I dictate this update to my scribe. Red is one of my best colors, after all. It pops nicely against my super luxurious blue-grey fur.

And although I have no particular sweetheart this Valentine’s Day (or at least not that I’ll admit to in such a public forum), I do love all of my fellow felines here at Tabby’s Place, especially my buds in Suite FIV…the coolest suite in all the land.

Speaking of cool, none of us have dared to venture out into our solarium this month, due to all the snow and ice that’s slowly creeping under the fence. So I’ve been keeping my big ol’ paws safely indoors, on the nearest fuzzy bed.

I’ve also chosen to do what any hip kitty would do under these circumstances; I’ve started bulking up some extra winter warmth by chowing down on heaps of diabetic-friendly wet food and snuggling with every warm-blooded human who comes to visit.

And honestly, for me, every day could be Valentine’s Day. I love everyone, furry or human, especially when they’re directing their love towards me! When anyone ventures into the FIV Suite and settles onto the floor, I make sure to be the first to hop in her or his lap to snuggle.

My scribe has also convinced me to take a few kitten selfies from my favorite perch (anyone’s lap), which I will post as part of my updates. I am sending love and fuzzy warmth to you all, dear sponsors!

Peace, love, and purrs…
