Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Happy new year to you! I’m hopeful 2018 will be a year of peace, love, and purrs for all of us.

Let me tell you dudes and dudettes, it’s cold here in New Jersey! All the humans have been lamenting the record low temperatures out there in the world, but I wouldn’t know. Sadly, I’ve been stuck inside for a while now. I know that our staff and volunteers are only trying to protect us from the dangerously frigid temperatures, but I miss hanging out in the solarium! Oh well, I’m sure the thermometer will soon rise enough that the Plexiglass tube can be opened, allowing us our
normal free access between our inside suite and outdoor solarium.

For now, I’m enjoying a quiet month of good health while snuggled up in a plethora of fluffy blankets and cozy beds. From my toasty surroundings, it’s fun to watch through our window into the lobby as all the staff and volunteers bustle in and out with their
huge puffy coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and snow boots.

We at Tabby’s Place celebrate all our birthdays on the first day of each new year, since so many of us have no idea when our actual birthdays are. I turned twelve this year… hard to believe how time passes. My life is just so lovely thanks to you; I truly couldn’t ask for a better birthday present than your sponsorship.

I hope you enjoy the pictures I’m attaching to this month’s update. One is simply of me smiling up at my scribe, who told me I looked “spectacularly handsome.” She makes me blush beneath my thick grey fur! The other picture is of my scribe scratching behind my ears, which just makes me so happy I could burst!

Peace, love, and purrs…