Update for Carrot

Update for Carrot

Dear Carrot Friend,

Carrot had a good month, with only a little drama. Sketch, who does not like the other cats, seems to pick on Carrot on occasion. Sketch likes to guard the ramp in the room, which Carrot uses a lot to come and go from the solarium. Whenever Carrot tries to go past Sketch, she chases him, yells at him, and causes our poor Carrot to run away. Luckily, Carrot is outside a lot at the moment, and Sketch doesn’t usually go outside, but Carrot is very wary of her.

Carrot and Alex have become good friends lately, which is a strange combination. Alex can be a bully to the other cats and has been mean to Wilbur on several occasions. Alex seems to really like Carrot though, and they are often seen playing or snuggling together. I am sharing an adorable picture of them laying together.

The close-up of Carrot is because I was trying to get a photo of Carrot, and he kept pushing his face into me, it was adorable.

Carrot & Alex: Good Friends!

We have a few volunteers conducting enrichment for the cats now, which Carrot and his friends seem to enjoy. During enrichment, the volunteer brings in motorized toys and fun things like paper bags (the cats adore these!), the cardboard from toilet rolls filled with treats or catnip (if you bend the ends over it makes it more of a challenge for the cats), wand toys, and anything else they can think of. These sessions provide a lot of entertainment for the cats and gets them moving and engaged in play and hunting skills. We will be adding more enrichment volunteers soon, so the cats can have enrichment days more often.

The construction work has moved closer to the cats’ areas now, and the cats do not seem very pleased about the noise. Until recently, all the construction was in the new area, so it didn’t disturb them much. At the moment the crew is finishing connecting the hallway between the lobby and the expansion, and they are also working in the lobby. They are ripping out floors and painting, and the cats do not approve of the commotion so far. Some of the cats are hiding under blankets and beds, and some of them are getting angry and acting aggressively with us humans. Carrot isn’t doing any of these things; he just goes outside to his solarium where it is pretty quiet and basks in the sun. Even when he is inside, Carrot does not seem to be upset with the commotion.  Not much upsets our Carrot!

Now that the nice weather is here, we are ramping up our stroller walk program. We are trying to get more and more volunteers active in this program, so the cats can get outside more often. It is such good enrichment and relaxation for the cats to do these stroller rides, and Carrot is a huge fan of going out in a stroller. Carrot had many stroller rides this month, as he is one of the favorites with the volunteers, and they all love taking him outside.

Carrot has enjoyed a healthy month, and I have no medical news to report, which is always good news.

That is all the Carrot news for now. As always, thank you so much for everything you do for our Carrot—we appreciate you so much!

Your correspondent,