Update for Carrot

Update for Carrot

Dear Carrot Friend,

Carrot had a very peaceful month. The number of cats in his suite is going down, so it is very quiet in there lately.
Two of the cats in his room were adopted, Oscar and Charly.  Carrot didn’t seem to really get along with Charly, so I don’t think he’ll miss her too much, and Carrot never really hung out with Oscar.

Another change in Carrot’s room is Denali, who moved out of Carrot’s room and into one of the offices. Denali doesn’t get along with other cats and was causing some fights, so we think she will do much better alone in an office with just a person. Carrot and Denali really did not get along and they were often getting into scuffles, so I know Carrot will be quite happy that she moved to another room.

Carrot’s good friends Elijah and Wilbur are still in his room, so at least his buddies are still with him.  Carrot seems to be enjoying the quiet room. A plus is that with fewer cats, Carrot gets even more attention from visitors.

The weather continues to be nice and mild for this time of year, so Carrot and his friends have been able to enjoy many stroller rides outside.

The expansion of our building has meant that we have many more volunteers, which also means the cats are getting a lot more attention, which they love.  We have around 80 new volunteers that come each week now, due to the expansion, and all of those people are there to give the cats attention, as well as take care of all of their needs.

Carrot has enjoyed another healthy month, with no medical issues noted, which is always great news.  He briefly had some chin acne that needed some treatments, but that seems to be under control now.

Due to the expansion, we decided we needed to change the name of the suites so that it runs in alphabetical order, from one side of the building all the way down and through the expansion.  This means that Carrot’s room changed its name to Suite B (it was formerly suite C) so this will take some getting used to.

That is all the Carrot news for now. As always, thank you so much for your support of our boy, we could not do this without you.

Your correspondent,