Update for Carrot

Update for Carrot

Carrot & Alex (who was recently adopted)

Hello, Fans of Orange-Fellow CARROT!

My name is Kim, and I am a long-time volunteer and cat correspondent at Tabby’s Place.

When asked to step in this month and share the news of Carrot on behalf of his regular writer, I jumped at the chance! Carrot is one of my favorite cats at Tabby’s Place, and his correspondent is one of my favorite co-volunteers! Nikki will be back next month to share his news again and wishes you all the happiest of holiday seasons.

Healthwise, Carrot is battling an upper respiratory infection for which he is receiving antibiotics. He is otherwise doing ok, so he should respond well to standard treatment and be feeling better soon.

Emotionally, Carrot has experienced a couple of notable changes which may affect his interaction with us. His friend and roommate Alex was adopted this past month. While adoption is a wonderful thing for the cats that find their “forever homes,” it is often hard on the feline friends they leave behind. Even though Carrot and Alex were constant buddies, Carrot seems to be doing ok. Our ever-diligent staff and volunteers are keeping a close eye on him, and spending more time with him as he adjusts.

However, in The Stroller Program, our team of human “drivers” has noticed a change in Carrot’s interest in participating in rides. I am honored to be in charge of this program for Tabby’s Place. It allows for cats that would not otherwise get to enjoy the great out-of-doors to do so. Carrot was always an active participant, a faithful stroller rider who enjoyed his time outside. But later this summer, we noticed some slight changes that let us know he was no longer enjoying his rides. We started not to take him as often (of course, we are not going as often with the coolness of the weather now), but even infrequent rides caused him more distress than enjoyment. We gave him one final try a few weeks ago along an “inside track” here at Tabby’s Place, but he was having no part of it. So as our faithful “Orange Rider” announces his retirement from strolling, his human team will miss him and the joy it used to bring him as an active participant.

Did you know that “Orange Rider” is just one of the many nicknames that our fine fellow Carrot has acquired over his years at Tabby’s Place? Once upon a while growing up, my nephew Jackson once asked me “Aunt Kim, why do you give everyone a nickname?” I tried to explain to Jackson (“J-Man”) that a nickname is a sign of affection. His reply was “You do this to all of our animals, too!”  Guilty as charged! Every animal I know has a nickname; Carrot is no exception.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Carrot has many a nickname here at Tabby’s Place! This well-loved cat is also known as “Car-Rot” (emphasis on the second syllable with a rolled “r” as in some foreign languages), “Cah-Rote” (rhymes with wrote), “Carrotese,” “Carrotins,” “Crouton,” “CareBear,” “Carrot-Tops” and “Karate Chops!” All nicknames are given with affection and respect for a popular fellow that we admire very much.

Thank you, dear sponsors, for your most gracious gifts that allow Carrot to be the popular cat that he is here at Tabby’s Place, and to have the blessings of good health, love, and contentment in his senior years.  There is no time like the holiday season to thank you again for being a part of the Tabby’s Place “family,” and how we so appreciate your continued support that helps to make Carrot the best boy he can be!

On behalf of everyone here at Tabby’s Place, may every holiday blessing be yours this year.

Your correspondent,