Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Greetings to Buddy’s sponsors.

What a great month for our beloved Buddy! Hobbes‘ move to Jonathan’s office has calmed King Edward, and the rest of the FIV+ gang has been able to relax without fear of fur-flying tirades.

Buddy has been very mobile and social. He no longer cowers atop the crates or in the tunnel. He and Newman continue their blossoming friendship and can be frequently found flopped on top of each other (photographic evidence provided!) or engaged in loving reciprocal head licks.

Buddy’s interactions with his human admirers have flourished as well. In my drumroll moment of the month… I picked Buddy up and held him for about three minutes. He didn’t squirm or try to wiggle away. He purred and let me hug him close and kiss his soft, sweet head. Buddy has a number of special coaches, and everyone notes happy improvements this month.

Thank you for supporting Buddy, loving him and caring about his welfare. With love,