Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Dear Buddy lovers,

Tabby’s Place staff members report that Buddy is warming to people, ankle rubbing and cooing. But, I confess I have yet to personally witness this magical transformation.

On a warm spring day, I camped out in the FIV solarium with the cats. I was covered in Charlie, loved by Newman and got to brush Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants for at least an hour.

Buddy, however, remained on his perch, welded to his friend du jour for my entire visit.

I relish my memories of the handful of times I’ve held dear Buddy. For fleeting seconds, his soft, pure white fur tickled my fingertips. I hear this is a regular experience for some of Buddy’s human friends.

Personally, I am convinced Buddy is the ultimate cat’s cat. But, whether he’s cuddling us or choosing kitty companionship, he is gorgeous, exquisitely feline and worthy of our love and admiration.

I’m happy to report that Buddy’s health is very good, and his sometimes-troubled teeth are in great shape.

Thank you for loving Buddy just as he is, and for giving him the gifts of great health and faithful friendship!