Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Greetings to Buddy’s sponsors.

Our gorgeous man has migrated to new habitats and habits. Imagine that! On my recent visits, I’ve found him snuggled in a cubby, purring away, with Mona (as you can see below). Newman has been nowhere in sight.

One of the great advantages of Buddy’s new resting place is accessibility. He is very happy in this cozy nook, and he graciously accepts all forms of loving adoration. Tabby’s Place Executive Director noted that he was personally able to pet Buddy for the first time a few weeks ago.

I must ask for your good thoughts and best kitty prayers for Buddy’s fierce protector and wingman, Wolfie (pictured with Buddy at right). Wolfie is currently in the hospital, on a feeding tube for a bout of hepatic lipidosis. The Wolf-man is very dear to our Buddy, so please hold all your good thoughts for him.

Medically, Buddy is thriving. The warm weather has enticed the cats out to the solarium, giving everyone more elbow room. Buddy is equally at home indoors and out.

Your continued support and loving wishes allow Buddy to feel more and more at ease with two- and four-legged fans. Thank you for your generosity to our boy!