Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Greetings to Buddy’s sponsors.

On a recent weekend, one of my fellow Tabby’s Place volunteers brought in a big pile of elf costumes so we could play dress up with the kitties. Of course we started in the FIV suite, since mellowness reigns there. We have dozens of photos of Newman and Charlie and Pyewacket

…but Buddy? He moved to another suite for the afternoon! Not really, but he was off like a shot out of a cannon when the kitty Santa hats emerged. Buddy — the cat’s cat, the Prince of the FIV suite — leapt through the tube to the solarium faster than you can say “catnip.”

Buddy has been enjoying the company of his BFFs, Wolfie and Newman. He has been very hospitable to newcomer Pyewacket, and even spotted napping with Mona. Human contact with Buddy remains limited, often requiring contortionist movements at a snail’s pace so he doesn’t bolt. The reward? Buddy purring, his sweet soft little face, his luxurious fur… I tell you, it’s Christmas any time you have the blessed privilege of being near our gorgeous man.

On Buddy’s behalf, love and more love, with gratitude for your ongoing support. Happy holidays!