Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Dear Buddy lovers,

Our beloved, handsome feline fellow continues to thrive as part of two sets of BFFs.

Buddy is the Robin to Wolfie‘s Batman, often nestled behind Wolfie at the top of the outdoor ramp. Wolfie, who slightly resembles Grumpy Cat, is Buddy’s great protector. The already-massive Wolfie took on an even larger profile with the recent addition of a plastic cone following eye surgery. As you can see at right, Buddy is content to sit, Sphinx-like, behind Wolfie.

When he needs a little walkabout, Buddy seeks out Newman for some head licking (Buddy is the lick-ee) and gentle wrestling.

After cats, humans get our turn at Buddy’s affections. He will happily, tentatively pause on the ramp, then allow head scratching and petting.

Buddy remains in tip-top health. However, there has been a major change in the FIV Suite around mealtime. Tabby’s Place’s vet suspects that Lester may have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and so the whole FIV Suite is undergoing a trial hypoallergenic diet.

Any diet change requires careful choreography. Until very recently, all the cats had been eating a diabetic-safe diet for Charlie’s sake. Lester now cannot eat from Charlie’s menu, and Charlie can’t eat Lester’s new diet. So, the entire suite is now kibble-free during the day, while Charlie and Lester are crated with the appropriate food overnight (and everyone else gets to free-feed at last). With activities no longer centered on daytime kibble, there is a little more energy and activity, although naps remain the top daytime activity.

Wishing all of you a wonderful end to the summer season. As always, thank you for your loving care and support of our gorgeous Buddy.