Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Greetings to Buddy’s sponsors.

Buddy, Buddy, Buddy!

I say his name out loud like an anthem every time I enter the FIV+ Suite. He is so gorgeous, so magnetic, so sweet, despite — or perhaps because of — his reticence to engage with humans.

On a recent late spring day in the solarium, Buddy was perched in one of his usual spots, the top of the ramp. But, on this occasion, he had a new “buddy” of his own: Wolfie.

Simply put, Buddy is a “cat’s cat,” and this month he’s latched onto a new friend. To an increasing degree, Buddy can be found in close quarters with big, gentle Wolfie. While Newman is still Buddy’s BFF, Buddy seems adorably intrigued by Wolfie, and likes to be near him. In turn, his behavior is having a salutary effect on Wolfie, who is gradually getting more comfortable with people. Our darling boy, who gives so much to us, simply by being Buddy, is giving back.

Thank you, so very much, for your generosity and loving support.