Update for Bellis

Update for Bellis

Happy winter wonderland, everyone!

I admit I am one of those very enthusiastic snow people that drive almost everyone else insane with that gleeful anticipatory look right before snow. I check the weather website constantly, mentally building the perfect snowman, dreaming of the perfect sled ride, looking forward to my dog bounding around in the snow acting like a puppy again. This brings me to the admission that this was supposed to be a very different update until, the beautiful, glorious, breathtaking snow. *sigh*

Snow reminds me of renewal and rebirth. That is exactly what Tabby’s Place is for so many souls that need love, warmth and, most importantly, a home and family. A visit to Tabby’s Place usually leaves me in tears, but, 97% of the time, they are tears of joy. I get so much hope and renew my faith in humans when I witness, once again, that there are people on this earth who would go through all that it requires to imagine, build and manage such a place. Any cat that arrives at Tabby’s Place is blanketed with safety forever, the same way that snow covers the earth with quiet and still and clean renewal. These lucky cats will never be out there again in a system that really can’t handle all of homeless animals that humans send their way.

I do admit one problem that I have with snow or any extreme weather; I am reminded of everyone who doesn’t have a home, a safe place to have a meal, play, love, and sleep until the bad weather passes. I do think of all our fellow creatures that don’t have a sanctuary and are exposed to some very trying times just to survive. At those times though, I remember Tabby’s Place, and all the other places and people who work toward making sure everyone has a sanctuary in which to burrow in and be safe, until the storm passes.

Our girl Bellis, like every other feline that enters Tabby’s Place, is very lucky indeed. In fact, our sweet girl has a pretty good medical update this month. Two out of the three lesions on her leg have healed, and the third is well on its way. As a result, we’ve been able to decrease her steroid medication (which did its job nicely in reducing the inflammation).

A biopsy confirmed our vet’s expectation that the lesions would be harmless and non-cancerous. It appears that they are a little something known as multifocal eosinophilic granulomas. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cells; in this condition, they create inflammation for no known reason, but, fortunately, they respond nicely to steroids. For her part, Bellis isn’t ruffled by these silly spots, and is as blithe and peaceful as ever.

Several months ago, a kind lady in Florida had expressed interest in visiting Tabby’s Place this month for the purpose of adopting Bellis, but we haven’t heard from her recently.

So for now, we get to enjoy the antics and love of our sweet girl.

Thank you dear supporters, for making possible this sanctuary and all of the safety and love it offers those in need. Enjoy the snow while it lasts!