Update for Bellis

Update for Bellis

Greetings to Bellis’ sponsors,

On my last visit to see Bellis, I was in quite a harried state. I’m training for a triathlon; I have 10 pets (3 of which have special needs) and a five year old boy, who also has special needs; a full time job; and I was in full tilt five year old birthday planning. Sometimes it all seems too much.

Generally speaking, Tabby’s Place is a respite for me; however, it’s fair to say that I was in a mood before I even walked through the door. But, not for long. There was Bellis, curled up in a warm spot in the sun. I took a picture to share with you – quickly, before she moved.

I really think this picture sums up how beautiful Bellis’ life really is. Happy, warm, peaceful and, well, not harried. As I have said before, Bellis has many lessons to teach me, and once again, Miss Bellis was teaching me: sit down, put your feet up, and tell me your troubles. I didn’t want to disturb Bellis, but she wouldn’t hear of any such thing. As soon as she knew I was there, she picked up her head, scrunched up her face and let me know that she knew I was there.

I sat down next to her and pet her and took it all in; she purred her sweet, gentle purr. I’m sure you know that while I sat with Bellis that day, everything melted away. Instead of worrying about all of my responsibilities I remembered to appreciate all that I am lucky enough to have. Bellis has a gift in her gentle quiet way.

Our beautiful girl is feeling grand, has no new health issues to report and is continuing her role as spokescat for living well with “quirks.” As has happened before, Bellis recently stole the show for a visiting group of Girl Scouts. The comments progressed from, “Eeeew, why doesn’t this one have any eyes?” to “Oh, she is so sweet!” It is amazing to see how, in the space of 30 seconds, even young children can “forget” Bellis’ blindness and her “difference” once they begin to love her and receive her love in return.

I’m so grateful for the love that Bellis has given to all of us. Thank you, generous sponsors for giving Bellis the opportunity to shine in her warm spot in the sun. (Isn’t our girl just gorgeous in this picture?)