Update for Bailey

Update for Bailey

Hi all,

I wanted to share with you the latest news on our boy. Even though Bailey is home from the hospital, we’re very worried about him. He’s quite anemic, a common side effect of advanced kidney disease. We are trying to get some supplements specific for chronic renal failure into him, but he’s not eating very well (another common side effect of this disease).

We’re monitoring Bailey closely. He’s on daily medications to try to encourage his appetite & to control his high blood pressure (yet another common side effect).

Bailey is not in any pain, though he probably feels “blah,” if you know what I mean. His energy level isn’t as high as it used to be. The staff is working to make him as comfortable and content as possible, and the volunteers are giving him a lot of coddling.

If Bailey’s anemia worsens, we’ll have a difficult decision to make, as the treatment for this has some serious potential complications.

By the way, since Bailey’s been sick, we haven’t gotten a new photo of him, so I’m using this one again because it’s one of my favorites. Isn’t he handsome’

Please continue to keep Bailey in your thoughts.

I can’t thank you enough for your support of him, especially at this time when his medical needs are increasing. If you get a chance, feel free to drop in and visit our boy. I’m sure he would appreciate the extra love and attention right now.