Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Happy April, Friends!

Adam and I send our love.  It’s been a good month for both Adam and me and we hope you are doing well also.

I have finally gotten back to Tabby’s Place to see our boy!  It’s been months since I have been there and seen Adam.  One of the many wonderful things that COVID times have taught us at Tabby’s Place is that many cats like to go out in strollers and volunteers who can’t go into the building due to restrictions are very happy taking the cats on stroller rides to be able to be volunteering again.  I started going back about two weeks ago to do stroller rides outside and I am so happy.  I’ve missed being able to volunteer.  After 14 years of volunteering every week, it’s been a weird year not being able to help in person.

Adam has been such a good boy recently that the medical team thought it was time to try and decrease his behavior medicine.  So far, he continues to be a very good boy with his roomies and his human friends.  Several of the staff members have reported that he has been more affectionate lately.

We all love Adam for his many quirks.  One of those quirks is his love of licking odd things, like plastic bags.  He’s been a bit more interactive during medicine rounds and has been caught on several occasions licking the medicine bags!

I agree with the staff that Adam has been more affectionate.  I’ve been pleasantly surprised when I’ve been outside with Adam how alert and excited he is to be on a stroller ride.  He doesn’t really like the riding part of stroller rides, but he loves to sit in the stroller and watch the world while you sit next to him and talk with him.  He and I have had some lovely conversations and enjoyed bird watching, sunbathing, and noticing different cars go by on the road.  I even got kisses from Adam through the mesh on the stroller!

Adam and I wish you a lovely spring.  The weather has been so beautiful.  The flowers are blooming and there are signs of hope everywhere.  Adam wants you to know how much he appreciates all that you do for him and for Tabby’s Place.  Have a wonderful, safe April and we’ll be in touch again in May.

Your correspondent,