Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Happy June, friends of Adam!

As the weather turns to warmth, Adam has turned into…well…nothing new…Adam! For better or for worse, there is not much new with our wild child this month.

Everything is relative, and this month Adam finds himself on the sweet side of the “easy vs. difficult cat” equation. Well, in one respect, that is: bladder expression. Although expressing Adam’s bladder has never been a cinch, our staff says that, lately, he’s seemed positively effortless to express. That’s ever since fellow incontinent cutie Pepita moved in. Poor Pepita has a dreadfully difficult bladder, making Adam seem simple by comparison.

Alas, not all is smooth sailing for our boy. Adam and Mango have been tussling again. It seems they’re particularly inclined to do battle if dinner is delayed. It is hard to get good service from humans nowadays.

In this social arena, Adam has had a harder time this month. I’d thought we had turned a corner with him, but alas, he is back to his bad-boy ways. It’s funny; being an early childhood teacher, among my favorite types of kids to work with are the wickedly smart, but very naughty boys. I have no idea why, as they often make my hair turn grey, but I really enjoy reforming them. I guess I like a challenge.

Adam is that little boy to me. I want so desperately to reform him, but none of my usual tricks are working. I do need to keep reminding myself, however, that just when I think I’ve turned the corner with one of these boys, that is when they revert several steps and I think all is lost. Usually it is just a small setback and I can get “Mr. Naughty Boy” back on track. Let’s hope this is the way with Adam. A few steps forward, a few steps back. We’ll get there eventually.

As I have been writing about the last few months, it seems that exercising Adam and giving him something fun to attack helps him to stay calm and keep out of Mango’s hair. I must confess that this month has been so crazy at work that I haven’t had as much time to spend with Adam. Therefore, poor Mango is bearing the brunt of Adam’s pent up energy.

In school, when a child is getting itchy like Adam, I find an excuse for him to get up and move around. Maybe I make a fake note for him to take to the office, or I ask him to wipe down the tables for me. It distracts him and gives them an outlet for his energy, and then he can get back to work. This is not really an option for Adam, although some play time with “da bird” is a good distraction.

I really wish I knew why Adam likes to pick on Mango. I have never met a more placid and sweet cat than our orange delight. Maybe that is Adam’s problem. He doesn’t like the “good boy” in the class, because he is jealous and secretly wants to be like him but doesn’t know how. That is something that I deal with all of the time, and perhaps I can help Adam face this issue as well. Adam bothers other cats, too, but he just doesn’t do it in the same way that he goes after Mango. It is frustrating for Mango as well as the humans who are trying to help.

I will just keep telling Adam what I tell my “bad boys.” I usually write them a little note and tape it to their desk for them to read when they need a reminder. I can’t do that with Adam, but I will keep whispering this to him every time I see him: Adam, you are good. You are smart and kind. You want to be the best “you” that you can be. I believe in you and I am proud of you. Together we will get this figured out. I am in your corner.

I hope all of the love that you send Adam’s way, plus a little more time with “da bird,” will help Adam turn a corner and become a reformed “bad boy.” They often become really successful and compassionate adults, and I have seen many of my former wild children grow into fine human beings. It just takes a bit of tough love and compassion to make it happen.

Thank you so much for helping Adam to grow and thrive. With our love, Adam is bound to find that kindness conquers all. Have a wonderful month. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.