Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Happy January, Adam lovers.

It is a new year, and with new years come fresh starts. Adam has decided that he wants to confess some things and then make some resolutions to change.

Confession One: I poop on blankies.

”It’s true. I poop on blankies. I don’t mean to do it, but it happens. I know that my suitemates don’t appreciate lying down on a comfy blanky only to stand up with a fur load of poop. Since I have a medical condition that causes me to poop without knowing that it is going to happen, I can’t really make a resolution to not poop outside of the litter box. But my resolution is to try really hard to at least hit the floor with my poop and not a soft surface that cats like to lie on. The people will be happier too, because they won’t pick up a blanket to take to the laundry and get a handful of my poop. I promise to try!”

Don’t worry, Adam. We love you and your poop. We do appreciate your resolution, but please know that you are forgiven if this resolution is one that you have trouble keeping.

Confession Two: I like to yell at Mango.

”I don’t know why I do, but I do! It is fun to yell at Mango. I think it is because he doesn’t get too upset with me the way some of the other cats do. When I yell at Virginia, she yells back with such foul language. It isn’t really very nice. So I leave her alone now. (Well, most of the time.) I yell at a lot of the cats, but most of them ignore me. Some of them swat me. But Mango…well, he just tells me to stop in the most lovely way. He is always calm and that really annoys me! But in this new year, I resolve to try and not yell at Mango so much. He is such a nice guy and he really doesn’t deserve it.

Confession Three: I am really happy that Felix and Maggie moved out of my suite!

”Felix has moved to the Staff and Volunteer Lounge. He got to make that move because he is on a special diet and those cats in there eat that food. I am happy that he moved out, because now I can be one of the cool man cats in the room! Most people think of me as a boy cat, but I want to be a man cat.

“Maybe my behavior has something to do with my status as ‘boy.’ I guess I should work on that too.

“Maggie has moved to the lobby. She is really enjoying her time in the room that has the most visitors. I can see her through the Suite C window. I know that she is happy and that makes me happy. I guess this isn’t so much a confession and just an acknowledgment of my kindness, although it does further my goal of an Adam-centric Suite C.”

Oh Adam. Until that last comment you were doing so well! But, good for you anyway Adam. We’re proud of your magnanimous attitude toward your former suitemates.

Confession Four: I am loved by a boy!

”My friend Sue brought her nieces and nephew to meet me the other day. Her nephew Reed spent a lot of time petting me. I tried to climb him, like I always do, but he is so good with kitties that he didn’t let me. He knew that I shouldn’t be climbing his body like a tree, and he gently encouraged me to just stay with my front paws on his shirt and he petted me over and over. It felt so good to be loved by this guy! I try so hard to bestow my love on people, but they misunderstand by affections. I know I can be a bit intense from time to time. My resolution for this year is to remember how Reed loved me and to try and remember not to climb people, but to rest on them and let them love me. That seemed to work.”

Yes Adam. Reed loved you a lot too. At dinner that night, I asked him who his favorite Tabby’s Place cat was. I expected him to pick Mimi or Edward, but he immediately said Adam was his favorite. So, way to go Adam! You made a special friend all the way from Pittsburgh!

Adam has had a happy and healthy start to 2014. He had a course of antibiotics due to some diarrhea issues, but that is not surprising given that we’re talking about Adam here! Oh wait…Adam is whispering one final confession in my ear…

Confession Five: I love my sponsors!

“You are the best people and I love you! I resolve to love you more and more and more in the coming year! This will be an easy resolution to keep!”